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Model: VTOPS-C-V4S Kategori:
Deskripsi Produk

Botol Kaca Otomatis Toples Selai Buah Tutup Putar Logam Mesin Pembungkus Uap Vakum untuk Saus Panas

Mesin Metal Twist-off Caps Vacuum Steam Capper menawarkan solusi pengemasan yang mulus, menggabungkan efisiensi, keamanan, dan keserbagunaan. Dilengkapi dengan panel kontrol layar sentuh PLC, memastikan pengoperasian intuitif dengan tetap menjaga keselamatan dengan tombol berhenti darurat. Dirancang untuk menyederhanakan proses pembatasan, mesin ini ideal untuk memerlukan sterilisasi uap saat menyegel botol kaca dan wadah untuk stoples selai buah saus pedas.

Fitur Utama:

  1. PLC Touch Screen Control Panel:
    Initially, the PLC and touch screen control panel enhances user interaction, making it easier to monitor and control the operations of the capping machine.
  2. Tombol berhenti darurat:
    Equipped with an emergency stop button, this capping machine offers increased safety, allowing for immediate shutdown to protect both the operator and the equipment.
  3. Electric Rotation Cover Sorting Method:
    The adoption of an electric rotation cover sorting method reduces noise and ensures smoother cap sorting, which improves the working environment and operational efficiency.
  4. Automated Cap Feeding with Electric Eye:
    Featuring an electric eye that detects metal twist-off caps, this machine automates cap feeding, reducing manual labor and increasing production speed.
  5. Adjustable Guide Rail:
    The guide rail can be adjusted to accommodate different cap sizes without the need for additional components, making the machine more versatile and easier to use.
  6. Steam Injection Pre-Sealing Process:
    Importantly, the machine enhances sealing quality by injecting steam before sealing to displace air at the top of the bottle, improving the final product’s shelf life.
  7. Two Flat Belts for Sealing:
    This feature ensures a secure and consistent seal by using two flat belts to tighten the cap, leading to reliable packaging outcomes.
  8. Integration with a Steam Generator:
    Additionally, by integrating with a steam generator (sold separately), the capping machine uses steam-assisted sealing. This enhances the sealing process’s effectiveness, ideal for preserving packaged product quality.

Parameter Teknis

Model: VTOPS-C-V4S
Catu daya: 220V/380V 3.12KW
Kapasitas kerja: Sekitar 4000BPH
Ukuran topi yang cocok: Disesuaikan
Ukuran botol yang cocok: Disesuaikan
Konsumsi uap: 180-230kg/jam
Tekanan uap: ≤0.4MPa
Tingkat vakum maksimum: 34-67KPa
Ukuran mesin: Sekitar 3250*1050*2010mm
Berat mesin: Sekitar 500kg



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Tutup Pelintir Logam Penutup Uap Vakum | VTOPS-C-V4S

SKU VTOPS-C-V4S Kategori

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